To switch a circulation pump on and off with a switchable plug, the Pump groups function has been created. You use a pump group if your underfloor heating and radiators depend on a circulation pump that has to heat 1 or more rooms.


  1. Connect a Plugwise Plug or Aqara Plug to the circulation pump.
  2. Connect the plug to the Adam HA. To do this, go to Menu > Layout > Devices and add a new device. At the same time, put the plug in registration mode. It does not matter in which zone you put the plug.
  3. Then set the plug as device type 'circulation pump'.
  4. Go to Menu > Layout > Groups and create a new group with type Pump group.
  5. Indicate in the pump group which zones depend on the heat of the circulation pump. To do this, select all thermostats (Lisa, Jip and Anna), radiator knobs (Tom) and underfloor heating knobs (Koen, Floor) that depend on the circulation pump. This can be from one or more zones.


  • With a pump group, the circulation pump will switch on when one of the dependent zones has a heat demand. The circulation pump will only be switched off when the heat demand for all dependent zones has disappeared.
  • The circulation pump will switch on for two minutes every 24 hours if there has been no heat demand for 24 hours. This ensures that the circulation pump does not rust.

Note! Have you only installed a thermostat in a room, but no Plugwise radiator knob? Then make sure that the radiator knob on the heating is always open.