When you first install Adam, Adam is not yet connected to the internet. Only then Adam is in access point mode and is available.

  • Check if your smartphone or tablet is connected to the Adam's network (which starts with “smile_”). This is necessary to be able to connect to the web interface. Are you not connected to the smile_ network? Then click on the smile_ network name in the wifi list.
  • When you have automatically saved the ID of Adam, delete it, and re-enter the 8 consonants.
  • In the browser, go to
  • Are you prompted for a username and password? The username is smile and the password is Adam's ID consisting of 8 consonants.

Have you already connected Adam to the internet via Wifi or with a LAN cable? Then Adam is connected to the internet and no longer in access point mode. The address no longer works. Then log in via https://connect.plugwise.net/